Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Friday, February 12, 2010


As I told you on my previous post, food is a key issue to me.
I've never actually been on a diet (mainly because I've always had good metabolism and an extra help from genetics), but I am very disciplined and organized when it comes to eating. I have completely removed from my diet all saturated fats (as red meat and dairy products) and fried meals that stimulate the increase of toxins in the liver, which is the organ responsible for the removal of germs and bacteria from blood cells. I prefer food rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and minerals, such as tomatoes, kiwis, lemons, papayas, and avocado, which is a true "cleaner" of our organism. And a drink plenty of water, natural or hot, with green tea or grated ginger. 
As part of my interest in Yoga, I started practicing Ayurveda, which is an antique medical system from India. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda consists of the words ayus, meaning life and veda, meaning related to knowledge or science. It is not only an alternative type of medicine: it is in fact a complete lifestyle system that helps prevent and cure diseases, preserve health and promote longevity. 
As it takes body, mind and soul as a whole, Ayurveda helps us to stay in good health and seek cure through medicines from natural origin. To achieve this, it considers our diet and lifestyle, for our health cannot be separated from what we eat, what we do and what we think. Each treatment is developed entirely sur messure, according to our needs and inquiries. This is why you may read as much as you want about it, but you must always have an appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor. Right now, at the UBA (Buenos Aires' University)'s Medical and Pharmaceutical Schools you can find masters degrees on Ayurvedic Medicine, so it's becoming a lot easier to find good professionals. 
According to Ayurveda, our organism is made of three regulatory principles, known as Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This three elements rule all our organism. When they are in balance, we enjoy good health. If they are not, our body suffers from diseases. The way this principles are balanced in us is determined at conception and it's what produces our particular way of being.
I had my appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor in 2001. I was asked hundreds of questions in order to obtain my personal unique combination of Doshas: I am Vata with an ascendance in Pitta. During my interview I was able to tell which were my usual pains and diseases and with all the data gathered, I was given a diet and pattern of healthy habits to incorporate daily.
Since then I've been feeling so much better! I have stopped being cold all the time (my feet and hands usually felt like ice!) and having stomachaches when nervous. I've even been feeling less tired. Ayurveda made me more resistant. In fact, I don't think I've caught  a fever since then!
Since that first appointment, I've have introduced certain changes in my diet, according to some new needs, as for example, chicken meat which has many nutrients of its own, unobtainable through any other source.
This way I've been able to create an Ayurvedic diet plan à la Patricia, with some changes I incorporate from time to time. 
I always have 5 meals-a-day...
I promise to tell you more about them on my next post!

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