Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

As years go by...

As you loved Norma's previous post, I asked her now to write something dedicated to every age...

"WHEN YOU ARE 20... At this age we feel we have natural beauty and youth and that both will last forever. We are far from worrying about aging, but we can adopt some healthy habits and be constant about the future of our skin. It's the time to begin a healthy routine, applying good products, such as a cleansing lotion, a toner and then a soft moisturizer. 

WHEN YOU ARE 30... Here we give our first steps towards adulthood, and we feel the very first symptoms of time. Light expression lines appear and our skin loses some of its luminosity. We need protection against sun-aging and it's time to look for deeper hydration and creams with ingredients that promote the synthesis of collagen to recover the cellular cycle.

WHEN YOU ARE 40... This is a busy period in life, family and work, trying to keep things under control. Our skin is not as tense as it used to be, so we must search for products that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and improve the firmness of the skin. It is also important to look for products that revitalize cellular energy and that are rich in vitamins.

WHEN YOU ARE 50... This is the age of maturity. You know what you are worth and what you want and how to get it. Wrinkles, flaccidity and change in color appear as a result of the loss of estrogens due to menopause. You need efficient products conceived to promote epidermic and dermic regeneration and skin defenses against environmental aggression. Creams must be capable hydrating and nourishing deeply, in combination with special serums.

WHEN YOU ARE 60... The golden age. Maturity gives us a new perspective of life, with more indulgence to climate change. We don't want to look older than we feel. Our body no longer produces estrogen, so our skin is thinner and expression lines are by now permanent on our face.  It is important to hydrate, repair, regenerate and strengthen the skin. Products with rich textures and specific ingredient for this stage are required."

So much knowledge, Norma!! Thanks a lot!!!

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