Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bye, bye cigarrettes...!

I will never get tired of fighting against cigarettes... and I used to be a smoker.
However, I've always been a guilty smoker: I've always felt lousy about my habit. I smoked, with some gaps in between, for 12 years. But one day, on June 5th 1995 (I shall never forget that date!) my guilt became stronger than the pleasure, self control and attitude I thought I had with a cigarette on my hand and said goodbye. I do admit that it was tremendously difficult, but my will to quit it was stronger. And I did it.
Let's say things the way they are: nothing ages and wrinkles the skin, ruins your teeth and dries your hair (not to mention how it affects our organism) than a cigarette! Nicotine makes it strongly addictive and absolutely cancerous, and although everyone knows this, I get to see more women smoking all the time! In fact, statistics say that we women smoke more than men.
Sorry to disappoint:  smoking's no longer cool, girls.
So I insist, it is important to leave behind an addiction that takes everything away and gives little in return. There are many ways to do so and it's never late to try. Hypnosis, patches, books, therapy, laser... even chewing-gums can help. Choose the method of your convenience and be strong. If it becomes too hard, you can always ask a pro for help.
And do not be afraid of the extra weight you might gain in the process. Anxiety is difficult to control but the worst lasts a few months. Visiting a nutritionist can be of help. A balanced diet, exercise and yoga can help you cope with those extra kilos so that you can free your mind.
Remember that if you quit, bad breath will be a thing of the past. your skin will look brighter and the benefits for your health, infinite! It's a tough war and I do know it to be, but it's worth defeating it.
Another motivation: I once read on a magazine that if you saved the money spent on cigarettes,  you could buy plenty of stuff: jeans, make-up, books, accessories, VIP passes to concerts or theaters... 
You'll be amazed to see how much money we dedicate to such a mean habit.
Go for it!

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