Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


As important as being disciplined with your diet is, without a doubt, doing exercise!
I remember my childhood and I cannot believe I'm writing this! More or less till my twenties, the word sports was enough to send a chill down my spine! I spent most of my school years trying to exaggerate a really-mild-blow in my heart to skip gym classes or to convince our family doctor to produce prescriptions that would allow me to avoid all physical activity...

Now that so many years have gone by, I find it hard not to exercise every day. I even dedicate to it 3 hours-a-day sometimes! I do it all: gym, walks, yoga. What made me change my mind? Mainly discovering that nothing can revert the passing of time as physical training, as moving, as sweating, as knowing your muscles and having confidence in them. Training is an essential fuel to feel good about ourselves.

Not moving is possibly one of the worst habits and one of the unhealthiest too. A woman or a man that's always still is doomed to age fast. And this just to not mention the worst consequences as overweight and high blood pressure, among others...

Many tell me that they have no time to exercise and, with their full-time jobs and kids and house chores, training is seen as some kind of luxury... But that's false! Exercise is, above all, an important prevention precaution to look after our health and beauty. This is why I believe it is a must to find time to work-out. Thirty minutes is enough to maintain your weight. With more than thirty minutes of exercise you start burning calories. Whenever I travel to the US and due to the time difference I go the the gym at the craziest hours, I'm always surprised to find newyorkers already there, even if it is 6 in the morning, training, sweating, with enough time to head to the office as they finish.

Exercise pumps up your self-steem, burns calories, prepares us to face an activity-full day and helps us release serotonin, the "good-humor hormone," which is essential to our brain and to regulate our moods. A work-out routine makes us be and feel good about ourselves, and this reflects in your body and is visible to others.

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