Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A nice smile can get you (almost) anything...

A nice smile is sooo important... It brings light to our face and speaks of us. Impeccable teeth confirm that we dedicate time to personal grooming and that we lead a healthy life. Our mouth and gums reflect multiple health disorders, even cardiac problems. The shape, size and color of our teeth evolve with time and many of these changes are hard to notice. This is why an appointment with your dentist is a must every now and then. With professional cleaning, at least every 6 months, you can reduce the risk of gingivitis (gums are responsible for tooth attachment), cavities and dental plaque. And if you don't have them perfectly aligned, you should wear braces to correct them. It is uncomfortable, I know, but it's worth it. You can even have clear braces which is a more cosmetic alternative and pass almost unnoticed. Nothing to do with what braces used to be! I used them when I was a girl of 6 or 7 years old and then again during my teens.
At home, my cleaning routine includes brushing my teeth three times-a-day, that is, after every important meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and flossing before going to bed. If I feel something bothering or what might be a caries, I run to my dentist! 
It is true also that it's not enough to just brush your teeth to have them pearly white. You must avoid all those things containing tannin, such as coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries and cigarettes. If yours are already yellow, there are plenty of professional techniques to whiten them. Do not trust magical solutions, for they usually harm the natural enamel of the teeth, making them porous. I whiten them constantly and brush them with a special product to achieve longer effects. A white smile is worth more than any lifting or anti-wrinkle treatment and it makes any woman look beautiful. 
Please remember that these healthy habits and cares should always be put into practice for ourselves only, to feel good about ourselves and because of the joy and confidence we feel when we look good. If we do not take care of ourselves, we send the message that we care little about our persona. And if this is so... how are others going to respect us?

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