Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yoga Tip N°3

I give you another tip from Sonia, my Yoga professor...
"This posture is calles Supta Padangusthasana...
It's great when you have lumbar pains because it works on that area, relieving the compression. As you lay on you back you can stretch the back of your muscles without pushing on your vertebrae. Having your back against the floor helps keep all your column straight.
1. Lay on your back as shown in the photo (or with your left feet against a wall). If you feel pressure on your neck, use a pillow under it.
2. Relax your hands over your abdomen, with your arms and shoulders loose. Adjust the belt to the require tension, so you can stretch your leg while feeling your lumbar area correctly rested on the floor.
3. This posture allows the elongation of all the muscles in the back of your right leg, using breathing as a mechanism to relax those areas under work. Slowly increase the flection of your ankle, pointing the heel towards the ceiling and your toes towards your chest. Keep the posture from 1 to 3 minutes.
- Elongates hips, knees and ankles.
- Strengthens the knees
- Relieves lumbar pains and sciatica
- Helps with PMS pains."

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