Taking a tub bath, applying a mask, using creams and lotions, hiring massage session or having a manicure and pedicure are caresses we give to ourselves than enrich our body and soul, and thus help others to see us in a different way...

In this section we will be sharing with you tips on Beauty, Health and Well-being...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More tips for our skin...

So let's refocus on our skin... specially now, that summer's over...
I do have a friendly relationship with the Sun. I am not one of those extremist that avoid it completely hiding under the shade, nor do I enjoy exposing myself during the dangerous hours of daytime. With all that's been said about this, sunbathing without precaution would put our health in jeopardy and ignoring that would be a lousy attitude, no matter how lovely we might feel with a tan. Although there are different skin types, skin cancer, permanent spots and premature aging are real dangers to us all.
On the other hand, recent investigations are talking about the benefits of Vitamin D, also known as the "solar vitamin:" a pro-hormone that strengthens our immune system, helps prevent breast cancer, diminishes the risk of developing diabetes, protects the bones and that's just the beginning! More and more scientists and dermatologists are starting to recommend 15-minute-long sunbaths, three or four times a week, always with protection and during the safe hours to activate the absorption of Vitamin D. During the year, a short outdoor walk will do. And during summer holidays, the perfect combo reads as follows: a little sunbathing (with protection!) during the morning or late afternoon (never between 12 pm and 5 pm) with the use of self-tanners to achieve the desired hue. There are so many brands and varieties that's all a matter of trying till you find the one that best suits you. But never, ever, say yes to solar beds!
However, I must say that a fair and luminous skin is not achieved only with creams or expensive treatments. Our diet is extremely important. As I told you on previous posts, smoking, alcohol and salt conspire against the health of your skin, so it is essential that they should be banned from our lives! In fact, to probe such a connection between our skin and our diet, Nicolas Perricone designed the "Salmon Diet," which if practiced during 3 days only, as it is rich in Omega 3 and 6, can leave your skin totally renovated and illuminated. 
Hydration is extremely important too and it has to do with the water given by the blood stream to our skin, together with oxygen and nutrients. You must drink plenty of not-contaminated, sodium-free water. Water helps us eliminate toxins. avoids dehydration and acts as a transport to nutrients. Creams and other external emulsions help fix water on our skin, avoiding evaporation while providing elasticity.
If you are disciplined and constant and start taking care of your skin at an early age, then there won't be any need for surgeries. Think of it as an investment. Surgeries won't be able to fix what we have neglected over the years. Barney Kenet, a dermatologist from New York, once told me that surgeries just move wrinkles from on place to another. A good lifting goes unnoticed: it would rejuvenate and renovate our face without changing its features. Today's methods seek less invasive techniques as botox, laser or LED.
But then again, no matter how expensive the technique could be, nothing will be successful if you don't complement it with a good diet, a complete work-out routine and deep self-consciousness.

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